Tuesday, September 1, 2009

SonySat launches IKS Solution

SonySat has just recently launched their own version of IKS.

SonySat's solution is similar to other IKS Sharing. Due to it being a recent implementation
there is some problems such as freezing, missing channels, etc. Their server is currently
being upgraded and such problems will hopefully be fixed in the near future.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Standalone N3 Fix

Currently, there is still no Standalone N3 Fix. The only option at this point is to point the dish at a true FTA satellite or use IKS with compatible boxes.

Right now, everything is about patience and I wouldn't throw away any current receiver. Just give things some time as before.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

IKS or Internet Key Sharing

Yes. Nagra 3 Encryption is in full effect and no stand alone fix is available yet.

There is still some solutions for the Nagra 3 encryption though. So let's talk about IKS or Internet Key Sharing.

To make it really simple, you would hook your receiver to the internet and you would be using a "subscription card" that will allow you to receive channels. nFusion has been doing this for a few years now. So, is it safe? That would be for you to decide.
You can find more information about NFusion IKS here.

nFusion isn't the only receiver currently capable of this. SonicView has a similar adaptation for IKS.
Conaxsat has also come up with their version of IKS for the Conaxsat Nano, the IKSlinger is also available but will only work with Dish and Bell Receivers. It will not work with FTA receivers. Finally, K-Box also has a solution for those using K-Box FTA receivers.

A stand alone bin may take some time and will probably require a new flash upgrade for your FTA receiver. Of course, we will only know when the time comes.

Until next time, happy viewing.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Nagra 3 Scams

There is no fix for Nagra 3 Yet!

Currently there is no fix for Nagra 3 yet. Do not be scammed and pay money to any site saying
they have Nagra 3 Fixes.

If you are currently a member of any FTA site, you will know if and when this happens. I keep seeing ads for Nagra 3 fixes and low fees to join.

The fix for Nagra 3 will not happen until Nagra 2 is totally switched over to Nagra 3. Until then, everyone will have to do with what they have. This is a really good reason to be involved with true FTA which never goes down. Like any satellite, channels can change or no longer be available to watch.

Until then, be smart and keep your money. Sites have been popping up left and right promising they have Nagra 3 files. This is nothing more than a scam to get your money.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Great FREE FTA Site Found

I was doing a Google search and came across another great fta site that is free.

I am a member of other great FTA sites. But as time goes on, most good sites go to a subscription only site. Since a don't have an extra $25 dollars or so at this time. I needed to look for a free FTA site that have good info.

Go and check it out for yourself

Monday, April 20, 2009

FTA Receivers for Nagra 3

A common question these day is "Should I buy another FTA receiver with the implementation of Nagra 3?" Right now it is best to just hold on to your current receiver.

FTA makers will probably have to release a new flash update when the time comes. Another possible problem might be that future bins will be larger, so memory in FTA receivers might have to be larger. Right now the best thing to do is just wait. If you a true FTA user you can just continue viewing your true FTA channels and not have to worry.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Nagra 3 Encryption attracts more true FTA satellites

Due to the recent implementation of Nagra 3 encryption, more and more FTA hobbyists will consider pointing at true FTA satellites.

If you really look into it you can find a lot of channels for true FTA receivers. What is really important when thinking of hitting a true FTA satellite is what the type of band the signal is.

FTA and satellites broadcast in two types of bands. One is C Band which will require a very large dish. This would typically be a 6 foot dish and an LNB that is capable of receiving a C Band signal.

The other band which is the most popular with FTA enthusiasts is the KU Band. The KU Band is more popular due to the fact that the dish is smaller and easier to install.
To receive most FTA birds like Galaxy 97 or Galaxy 18 you will need a dish that is a minimum of 30 inches. It is better to have a larger dish such as a 33 inch or a 36 inch dish. It is also possible to receive some FTA satellites using the epiliptical dish such as a SuperDish like the 500 series dish.

Now we have to look at the signal we are receiving from the KU band. Satellite networks such as DirecTV, Dish Network, and Bell use a circular LNB. What we need though for most FTA satellites is a linear LNB. Since most linear signals are weaker than the circular signals we need a larger dish than an 18 inch or 22 inch dish.

So what true FTA channels can I get? Well, this depends on your location. Since I live in the United States, here is a list of true FTA channels you can receive in the U.S..
If you live elsewhere in the world start here. Just click on your country or what area of the world you are from.

If we look at the list of channels and sats we see that no one satellite has a lot of channels. One with the most would be Galaxy 18, my favorite. In all these cases I am looking at true FTA satellites with KU band channels. Now we have a problem dont we? What do I do if I want to catch more than one satellite?

There is a solution. You can use a dish motor. There are a number of different motor brands. I only know about using a Motek SG2100 since that is what I use.

The installation of the motor is not that hard. The most important thing to remember is that the pole you install the motor and dish to has to be perfectly level and plumb. The biggest problem people have when installing is that they can hit a few satellites and think they got it, only to find out they are not receiving all of the satellites they are capable of receiving. All of the FTA satllites you can receive are along what is known as the Clarke belt. So if you are off just a fraction you will not pull in some satellites or you will not have the optimal signal possible.

For instuctions in setting up a motor you can go here.
If you read the installation guide you will see that you need to find your True South location. So, do I just get a compass and point south? No. True South is not the same as magnetic south. That is what magnetic declination is all about. This will be different depending on your location.

Now don't get all confused about installing that motor. I am here to save the day. All this longitude and latitude,motor latitude,dish elevation,motor latitude,true south azimuth sounds confusing. It might but thanks to the wonderful internet we can just enter our street address,city or town,state or province,and zip code or postal code and magically find all the setting for the motorized dish. Just go over here and enter your information. You will also have to select what motor model you are using from the drop down menu. You can also use this for individual satellites or multi-LNB setups.

So good luck and happy viewing. Nothing is more satisfying when you something yourself and it works perfectly.

Friday, January 2, 2009

Update your FTA Receiver Menu

If you use an FTA receiver, it most likely has a menu that shows what is on the channels you receive. The FTA schedule may go up to 3 days or maybe even 7 days.

I use a Pansat so I will explain how to update the schedule. If your receiver is a different make like a ViewSat,SonicView,etc. the steps should be comparable.

First, click on the "Sat" button or the button that shows the satellites you receive. Now depending on whether you receive a certain "package" or just different satellites, click on the package or satellite.

You should now see the channels for that sat or package. Click on a channel from your selected package or sat. Now, just exit out and immediately hit the "menu" button. The longer you leave the menu up the more time slots will fill up.

Now you can view what upcoming programs are available. The amount of time it takes to fill up will depend on the amount of channels you have and what type of receiver you use